joi, 27 noiembrie 2008

No Passe Compose

It's never easy to look back in the past or worry about the future...those who say we should never worry are absolutely right! But why do they think it's so easy to do that? We all love. No matter what is that we love, but we love. So, in our intention to show the ones we love that we DO love them, we sometimes tend to care too much, and let minor aspects interfere in our "new and wonderful-created world"... Like my mother, I am too sensitive at times. It's only then that I feel the need to protect the ones I love and care about. So much that I happen to ruin everything. Everytime! I am not perfect, therefore, I worry about my beloved's past, rather than my own. It's a shame, and I would give anything to avoid that, anything not to think about it anymore. I always say to myself that I trust that person, so why would I ever worry about the past? But that's, unfortunately, the way I can show that I care about him, now... I really hope that by tomorrow, my thoughts will have changed! How do we handle someone's past, and most of all, how do we manage not to ... talk? To just keep whatever it is that's bothering us at that particular moment, to ourselves? How do we learn to cry inside, to the point where there are no tears left to cry, and no reasons to ever worry? Is it always up to us, or do we sometimes need to have some more attention, affection, tenderness and understanding, in order to let negativity behind forever? The harshness of words can sometimes be lethal for someone's soul. All I know is that I yearn for as much tenderness as there can ever be. Love doesn't mean being perfect. Love means discovering the other one, and being able to love him/her just the way he/ she is...
For all those who understand the meaning of love, or at least are trying to find it, here's a very special band to my heart. I'll talk about them in a next post. Here's The Script with The Man Who Can't Be Moved.

joi, 13 noiembrie 2008

Delta Goodrem

Pentru ca cateva intamplari, frumoase ce-i drept, din ultima vreme, mi-au rapit din timpul pe care imi propusesem sa-l acord pentru blog, iata ca a venit si momentul sa continui povestea unei artiste desavarsite.

Delta Lea Goodrem este ea, si s-a nascut pe 9 noiembrie 1984 in Sydney, Australia. Parintii sai,Denis si Lea Goodrem au observat inca din primii ani de viata ai fetitei lor, ca aceasta manifesta un puternic interes vis-a-vis de muzica, astfel incat au incurajat-o sa lupte pentru a ajunge acolo unde isi doreste. Numai ca micuta Delta a ajuns sa studieze la The Hills Grammar School, unde accentul era pus in special pe sport, astfel incat Delta s-a vazut oarecum fortata de imprejurari sa renunte la muzica. Cu toate acestea, talentul Deltei nu a ramas nedescoperit, asa ca o gasim pe frumoasa australianca aparand intr-o reclama americana la jucariile Galoob, la varsta de doar 7 ani. La 10 ani, Delta a inceput sa ia lectii de pian, odata cu lectiile de canto, dans si actorie. In tot acest timp, apare in numeroase reclame pentru companii de renume, cum ar fi Optus si Nesquik, si obtine cateva roluri minore in unele episoade a catorva show-uri TV australiene, ca "Hey Dad...!" " A country practice", si "Police Rescue".

Realizand ca totusi muzica ocupa primul loc in viata ei, Delta inregistreaza la 13 ani un CD Demo cu 5 piese, finantat din aparitiile sale la show-urile TV amintite ceva mai sus. Demo-ul a fost trimis catre Clubul de Fotbal Sydney Swans (Delta se declara suporterul nr.1 al acestuia), care a trimis demo-ul mai departe lui Glenn Wheatley, omul din spatele tuturor trupelor de succes australiene la ora respectiva. Interesat de potentialul lui Goodrem ca artist muzical, Wheatley i-a propus Deltei sa semneze un contrast cu casa sa de discuri, Empire Records. Intre iunie 1999 si septemrbie 2000, Goodrem lucreaza cu producatorii Paul Higgins si Trevor Carter la 13 piese care apar ulterior pe albumul intitulat "Delta", melodii care reflecta "un caracter ambitios al unei fete de numai 15 ani, pregatita sa imite cu succes sound-ul pop al celor de la Spice Girls, Britney Spears si Mandy Moore."

La varsta de 15 ani, Goodrem semneaza contract cu cei de la Sony, si incepe sa lucreze la urmatorul sau album, centrat pe pop-dance. Din pacate primul single lansat de pe acest album, "I don't care", intra in topul ARIA, in noimebrie 2001, pe locul 64. In 2002, Goodrem devine scolarita timida, care aspira sa ajunga cantareata, Nina Tucker din serialul australian de succes " Neighbours" [cel care le-a lansat si pe Kylie Minogue si Natalie Imbruglia]. Aparitia in serial a ajutat-o pe Delta sa isi relanseze cariera muzicala. Balada "Born to try" a ajuns pe locul 1 in topul ARIA.