marți, 19 ianuarie 2010


It's gonna be ok:) Everything's gonna be fine, right? Nothing is more beautiful than waking up beside your loved one, smiling at a new day! I am O.K. Never fearless of anything, never worried, never wondering why or how or when or what.... right?
Oh, God, who am I kidding?...

But well... you get to go through things at times, and you gotta be strong.


It;s gonna be ok! Everything's gonna be fine! You're not being cheated on and lied to, you just had a bad day! You just woke up on the wrong side of the bed... You are loved and cared about! They're just not talking to you, because you upset them. Never mind the absence of caresses and love... for, in fact, you are the true magnet.

Remeber, Kate, everything is in your power. The magic is in yourself! Y.O.U.   A.R.E   O.K!

Now, back to work, ladies and gentlemen!


P.S: I think it's time to be myself and let go of theories. This is a song that I'be bumped in not to many seconds ago. I almost cried listening to the lyrics...So here it is.

I've run out of complicated theories         
So now I'm taking back my words          
and I'm preparing for the breakdown       
Your t-shirt's lost its smell of you            
And the bathroom's still a mess              
Remind me why we decided                  
this was for the best...                           

Because I miss you love                      
I miss you love                                    
I miss you love                                    
I miss you                                           

I know the distance is a factor           
But I stretch as often as I can               
My goal's to reach                              
your hands any day now                     
Please don't blame me for trying        
To fix this one last time                      
I have a hard time as it is                    

Because I miss you love                  
I miss you love                               
I miss you love                               
I miss you love                             

Don't act like you don't know me   
It's still me I never changed            
I'll be here when you come back   

And I miss you love                    
I miss you love                           
I miss you love                                           
I miss you love                        
I miss you love                          
I miss you love                          
I miss you love                          
I miss you                                 


Nu mai am teorii complicate
Asa ca imi retrag cuvintele
Si ma pregatesc pentru "cadere"...
Tricoul a piedut deja mirosul pielii tale
Si baia e inca o ruina.
Reaminteste-mi de ce am 
decis ca asa era mai bine ptr noi...

Pentru ca mi-e dor de dragostea ta,
Mi-e dor de tine iubire,
Mi-e dor de tine iubire,
Mi-e dor de tine

 Stiu ca distanta e un factor,
Dar ma "intind" pe cat de mult pot,
Scopul meu este sa iti ating
mainile cat mai curand....
Te rog nu ma invinui ca incerc
Sa repar situatia pentru o ultima data
Si-asa mi-e greu asa cum e...

Mi-e dor de tine, iubire  
Mi-e dor de tine, iubire
Mi-e dor  de tine, iubire

Nu pretinde ca nu ma cunosti
Sunt doar eu, aceea de la inceput
Voi fi aici cand te vei intoarce.

Si mi-e dor de dragostea ta,
Mi-e dor de tine, iubire
Mi-e dor de tine, iubire    
Mi-e dor de tine, iubire    

Un comentariu:

Unknown spunea... interesant.... in acelasi timp