It's so strange, that you are right here with me, yet I miss every "I love you", and every single embrace. I miss your caresses, your sweet touches, I miss last summer... They say every beginning is wonderful, when it comes to love, but how is it that very few of us manage to make each day a new beginning, how is it that I forgot to be myself?
We're always in a hurry. To cook, to clean, to earn money, to be happy. And all this time, Earth is spinning around with 30 km per hour, with an unimagineable cruelty. I just wish I could hold Time in my hands for at least one second. One small, insignificant, but wonderful second. To feel I have wings to fly, stop Earth from moving, and turn bad into good, hate into love, sadness into happiness.
But, I don't know how, some kind of force wakes me up every day, and makes me realize, I'm just a human being, with hopes, dreams, just like everybody else. A human being driven by the force of pure love, a human being that cannot sleep, work and go on without a strong embrace, a few kisses, an "I Love You" in the middle of the night and a sweet caress...
I just wanna quit fearing that someday I might lose the ones I love, that I might lose you...the man that gave me life, that made me feel life truly has sense, the man with the most beautiful hands in the world. How do I deal with my own fears....?
It's a beautiful spring day, and as I write here, facing my own fears and doubts, I look at the sun, at the clouds and at the trees whispering in the wind, and somehow I smile, and all I can say is: "Sometimes I'm really weird!"...
PS: Ii multumesc matusicii mele dragi, Maria Cretu, o femeie extraordinara, un suflet atat de cald, care abunda de iubire...ii multumesc pentru faptul ca...Dumnezeu m-a ales sa ii fiu nepoata..e o onoare!
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